Learning Festival
A 2-day fun festival for young learners to explore the world of possibilities!
4 - 5 Sept, 2021
Saturday and Sunday
For 7-11 yo
Do you want a sneak peak into the idea of self-designed learning?
Do you want to meet other children from around the country?
Are you ready to have lots of fun?
The festival is designed in the spirit of freedom, choice and emergence. We believe that each participant is a treasure chest of talent, stories and skills.
There will be a mix of several unique workshops, conversations and performances to expose children to the vast universe of knowledge, and give them a chance to experience it first-hand. The gathering seeks to engage the heart, hands, heads of these young learners and enable them to carve their own unique learning journeys.
There will be a lot of scope for children to self-organise in groups, co-create their own agendas, spend time having conversations, experiments, playing games, explore music, dance, art, cooking etc.
Dates: 4th and 5th September, 2021 | Saturday and Sunday
Timings: Starts at 10am on 4th Sept - Ends at 5:30pm on 5th Sept
Age group: 7-11 year olds
What to Expect
Multiple workshops, sessions and conversations will take place parallely.
Each participant will get the freedom to choose the sessions they want to attend, plan their day and engage in the happenings that pique their interest. The two days will:
Expose children to over 20 different skills
Give children a chance to meet others from around the country
Enable children to explore workshops they find interesting
Provide a space to have fun learning new things
Give children the opportunity to practice decision making
Allow them to share their skills and talents with others by offering a workshop
Note: Multiple workshops will take place at the same time. All participants will be required to choose the sessions they want to attend. We request parents to let children make this choice and let them experience JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) over FOMO(Fear of Missing Out)
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