Event Structure
To understand the flow of the two days and how to navigate the event, please read this page.
The Learning Festival is a 2-day online gathering for young learners. The festival will be held on Zoom. The joining link will be shared with all registered participants 1 day before the festival.
The festival will start at 10 am on 17th September (Saturday).
The festival will start with an Orientation in which the Live calendar feature will be explained. Children will use this live calendar throughout the festival to go to various workshops.
The main zoom room will be open all day. Incase a child is facing any challenge, they can come to the main room and get support.
The various workshops will take place in different session rooms throughout the day. All these rooms can be accessed from the live calendar.
How to navigate the event
Workshops will be facilitated by people from different fields ranging from storytelling and cooking to art and language.
In each time slot, 5-6 workshops will run parallelly. Participants can choose a workshop of interest and attend it.
In case none of the sessions in a particular time slot interests the participant, they may join the Main Room for some fun games and surprises.
In case of any challenges, participants can reach out to the Pitaara team members as well.
Our team will send broadcast messages via WhatsApp, of everything that is happening, throughout the duration of the event.
The festival also has space for participants to host workshops and teach something to others. These are called pop-up workshops.
To schedule a pop-up workshop, participants can use the Live Calendar. They can also reach out to the Pitaara team for any support required.
There is a special Parent's Evening planned on 17th September, Saturday.
At the end of Day 2, there will be a fun talent show where participants can share any talent they wish with others.
Note: Multiple workshops will take place at the same time. All participants will be required to choose the sessions they want to attend. We request parents to let children make this choice and let them experience JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) over FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)